Wednesday, March 2, 2016

DBRP_063 LEV.21 LEV.22 PSA.21 LUK.14

Let’s turn to LEVITICUS 21-22.

Yesterday we heard various laws that are for preserving the holiness of God's people, and various kinds of punishment for disobedience.

Today's psalm is PSALM 21.

This poem is a companion to yesterday's, which was for the nation and the king in time of war. Today’s poem is the corresponding victory song.

Translation notes:
[In this Psalm, not only does David talk to God using the 3rd person (a custom which showed reverence), but he speaks of himself also in the 3rd person. The use of the 3rd person like this can be considered ungrammatical in today’s English, and translating literally here prevents most readers from seeing this Psalm as a very personal prayer. CEV picked up on the references to God, and the special translation for translators (T4T) picked up on both the reference to God and to ‘the King’.]
1 [O LORD, I— the king you have chosen, am so glad
because of the strength you have given me.//The king is glad, O Lord, because you gave him strength; he rejoices because you made him victorious.]
2 You have given [me my//him his] heart's desire;
you have answered [my//his] request.
3 You came to [me//him] with great blessings
and set a crown of gold on [my//his] head.
4 [I//He] asked for life, and you gave it,
a long and lasting life.
5 [My kingly glory//His glory] is great because of your help;
you have given [me//him] fame and majesty.
6 Your blessings are with [me//him] forever,
and your presence fills [me//him] with joy.
7 [I trust//The king] trusts in [You, O Lord Almighty//the Lord Almighty];
and because of [your//the Lord's] constant love
[I//he] will always be secure.
8 [CEV: With your mighty arm, Lord,
you will strike down all of your hateful enemies.//The king will capture all his enemies; he will capture everyone who hates him.]
9 [CEV: They will be destroyed by fire once you are here,
and because of your anger, flames will swallow them.//He will destroy them like a blazing fire when he appears. The Lord will devour them in his anger, and fire will consume them.]
10 [CEV: You will wipe their families from the earth,
and they will disappear.//None of their descendants will survive;
the king will kill them all.]
11 [CEV:  All their [evil] plans to harm you
will come to nothing.//They make their plans, and plot against him,
but they will not succeed.]
12 [CEV: You will make them run away
by shooting your arrows at their faces.//He will shoot his arrows at them and make them turn and run.]
13 We praise you, Lord, for your great strength!
We will sing and praise your power.

Let’s turn to Luke 14.

As we heard yesterday, Luke chapter 13 containes 4 parables. Jesus warned the people sternly to repent, and he grieved for the persistent stubbornness and hardness of heart of the people of Jerusalem. In both that chapter and today’s chapter, Jesus healed people on the Sabbath, using those occasions as opportunities to teach and rebuke his enemies.

Translation notes:
12 Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your rich neighbors—for they will invite you back, and in this way you will be [re]paid for what you did.
24 I tell you all that none of those who were [first] invited will taste my dinner!’”
35 [It has of no value at all even to mix with soil or manure compost.//It is no good for the soil or for the manure pile;] it is [just] thrown away. Listen, then, if you have ears!”


Check out this episode!

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