Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015DBRP_004 Gen7-8 Job4 Mrk3

Let's start a Digging Deeper Forum! Then we will be able to share about treasures that we find in God's Word and encourage our fellow 'diggers'. The forum will also allow us to share prayer requests. To make this happen, we need several spiritually mature people who are willing to act as moderators. If you are willing to be a moderator, please contact Phil via the e-mail address on the Announcements Page.

In Genesis 5, we heard the overview of the descendants of Adam and Eve up to Noah. In chapter 6, Noah was further introduced. Also the reason for the flood was explained.

We turn to Job 4. In chapter 3 Job cursed the day he was born and expressed his deep misery.

Remember that in the speeches of Job’s three friends we will  see a mixture of truth and error. In particular, we should not follow Eliphaz’s example in today’s chapter. The Bible tells us repeatedly that we are not to trust or listen to communication from spirits.

Translation notes:

6 [How come//Doesn’t] your reverence for God [doesn't/0] give you confidence?

[Perhaps you place too much confidence in your own integrity.//Doesn’t your life of integrity give you hope?]

We turn to Mark 3. In Mark 2, Jesus shocked his listeners by preceding the healing of a paralyzed man by forgiving the man’s sins. And in three other events in chapter 2 we can see the beginnings of the conflict between Jesus and the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees.

Translation notes:

10 He had healed many people that day, so all the [other/0] sick people eagerly pushed forward to touch him.

23 Jesus called them over and responded with an

illustration. [It is not possible that Satan would drive out his own demons.”//“How can Satan cast out Satan?” he asked.]

33 Jesus  replied, [“Let me show you the kind of people whom I regard as my mother and brothers!”// “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?]

I want to comment briefly about the sin of blaspheming or reviling the Holy Spirit. Some people worry about whether they have done this. In this context, the Pharisees were saying the Jesus was working by the power of Satan. But Jesus was working by the power of the Holy Spirit. Such a person in that frame of mind will not repent. So Jesus warned the Pharisees, because they were mighty close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit by what they were saying about Jesus. I want you to know: If you worry about whether in some past time you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, then you haven’t! If you are the kind of person who still is sorry for sins committed and ready to repent of sin, then you have never blasphemed the Holy Spirit, nor are you likely to ever do so.

Check out this episode!

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