Friday, December 8, 2017

NE-DBRP_007 GEN.13 GEN.14 JOB.7 MRK.5.1-20

Hey! Welcome to this day number 7 in this NE series of the Digging Deeper Daily podcast. This is a series of podcasts that are based on the NET— New English Translation text, but also where I bring in insights from my 37 years of experience as a Bible translator.

The NET was chosen for this series because of its thousands of scholarly footnotes and its bold translational approach. The NET translators have been bold in not always mimicking expressions found in the Kings James, like so many other traditional translations into English. I feel that the NET Bible is a great translation which every English-speaking believer should read at least once in their lifetime. The NET really fits well with the goal of the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. Anytime I’m digging into a verse of Scripture, the NET is always one of the first resources I look at.

I know that you may be one of the listeners who is driving to work while listening. So I want you to know what other listeners know who have the luxury of reading along in the episode notes. Those listeners see that I have re-translated many verses in these podcasts. The tweaks I have made and will make to the text are with the goal of bringing out the meaning and even the emotional impact of each verse for listeners in clear and natural English. The meaning I seek to make plain in my translation is almost always the same as the NET translators were aiming for. Because I want to make everything very clear using more advanced formatting, the full episode notes are now attached to each of these NE podcasts in a PDF file.

I want all of you to know that the modifications I have made have not been checked by another trained Bible translation consultant. So if you tend to be cautious and sceptical, it might be better to listen to someone else’s podcasts. But if you are one of those deep-digging people who love to examine how languages work and like to consider translation alternatives, I hope you will enjoy these NE podcasts. Send me feedback via the Contact link at the DBRP website or in our listening app. I’m certain in a long series like this that I will make mistakes. If you tell me about them, I will fix them for the sake of future listeners.

[At least some of] The Scripture texts quoted [in this podcast] are from the NET Bible®, which can be found at The copyright© dates are from 1996 to 2016, and the NET text is used by permission of Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C.  All rights reserved.

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Please see the attached PDF for this episode via the wrapped present icon in the listening apps, or use the download button just below the episode player on our web site,

Check out this episode!

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