Monday, December 29, 2014

DBRP_Dec30_2014 Mal3 Is66a Rev21

Just one more day after this one! What a year we have had. In my preparations for rebroadcasting the January podcasts, I noted how I can hear that I was struggling with sinus problems. I gave that out as a prayer request about that in one of the podcasts. The Lord really answered that one! I have had a very healthy year. Thanks to any of you who prayed for me in any way this year.

If you are listening to this, I hope you have made good plans for your next year’s Bible reading. I encourage you to change things up! And I invite you who have been with me in 2014 to listen to a different voice. For those who are listening to this and thinking of joining us to Dig Deeper in 2015, welcome!



We turn to Malachi 3. In chapters 1-2 yesterday, we heard how skeptical and sassy the Israelites had become. This came out in the way Malachi has the people of Israel talk back to God. The first is like this:

2“I have always loved you,” says the LORD.

But you retort, “Really? How have you loved us?”

Topics for such exchanges included offering sacrifices that show appropriate honor to God, breaking covenants of marriage through divorce, and not honoring God as the God of justice. Two more sassy exchanges happen in today’s reading.

We turn for the first time to Isaiah 66. I highlight verse 17 from chapter 65, as it foreshadows what we will read in Revelation today and tomorrow:

17“Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth,

and no one will even think about the old ones anymore.

And I believe that these moving verses from that same chapter portray the torment of the lake of fire:

13Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says:

“My servants will eat,

but you will starve.

My servants will drink,

but you will be thirsty.

My servants will rejoice,

but you will be sad and ashamed.

14My servants will sing for joy,

but you will cry in sorrow and despair.

We turn to Revelation 21. In chapter 20, we read about the millenium or the thousand year reign of Christ, the defeat and imprisonment of Satan, his brief release following the 1,000 years, and his eventual eternal judgment in the lake of fire. Death and the Grave were also abolished in the lake of fire.


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Check out this episode!

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