Thursday, May 29, 2014

DBRP_May30_2014 1Sam20 Ps103 Rom7b

Today we hear the touching story of David and Jonathan's deep friendship, and how Jonathan realizes at last the secret plot that his father, Saul, has against David. Jonathan seems to be a prophet, for he realizes that he will not succeed his father as king.


How it must please the Lord when we pray this psalm, which is another favorite! Note that the psalm starts and ends with the same line.


Paul said something in verse 5 that he felt needed to be explained from verse 7 to the end of the chapter. He said that the Law “aroused evil desires.” How could something good seemingly do something evil? Be sure to link what Paul was saying before this explanation and what comes after it. Give that priority. Keep in mind that the explanation that Paul makes (a long parenthesis about how evil desires work) is not supposed to be our pattern for living now.

Check out this episode!

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