Thursday, December 27, 2018

Looking forward to the NEW YEAR

Hi Friend!

I want to spread the news that my new Read To Me Daily plan is now LIVE in the YouVersion app. If you haven’t heard, you can read this plan normally, OR if you hit the play button on the Devotional page, it becomes like a podcast, where you can listen to the whole thing, including the devotional introduction. This is perfect for those who would like to read and listen at the same time. However due to an unforeseen chain of circumstances, the audio devotional will not be in the app until sometime on January 2. The link to see or sign up for this plan is here in the episode notes:

I am grateful to the fine people at YouVersion for the extraordinarily patient help they gave to me to get this new kind of plan set up. They not only gave me excellent help by email, but even phoned me twice.

If you will be joining me in using the Read To Me Daily plan on January 1st, please be aware that the Devotional page will not have the play button for audio for the first 2-3 days. The play button should magically appear by January 3rd, and if it doesn’t, please look for another announcement from me like this one.

I ask for prayer as I am searching for a new voice to take my place in reading the devotionals for the Read To Me Daily plan. I hope to find a volunteer who is more expressive in reading than I am, and who has the time to edit recordings.

It is time for me to recommend different Bible podcasts for those ready to move to a different voice for next year. The two big alternatives are Daily Audio Bible (the oldest, and my inspiration for starting the DBRP in 2014) and Daily Radio Bible.

As some of you would have noticed, my devotional comments are usually talking about something that was previously read. This is a bit counter-intuitive to some. If you are one of those people, two YouVersion audio reading plan authors talk more about ‘this is what you will read’ style. They are Kris Langham who has an app and reading plan called Through the Word,


and Nikki Gumble, who has a plan called Bible in One Year.

I personally am planning to follow the Read To Me Daily plan using the NIV in 2019. Since the devotional text was not written with the NIV in mind, I am expecting to find times when the devotional comments will not match closely enough with the NIV. If you decide to join me in using the NIV with the Read To Me Daily plan, please remember that I would like to hear your comments. We might even do a plan sharing thing this year with people going through the NIV.

The NLT podcasts will again be re-released daily at And the GNT podcasts will be re-released daily at

Perhaps you--- like me, have been finishing up the final Bible readings for 2018. Just today I wondered about Isaiah’s dates. It turns out that the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple which Isaiah describes in the past tense in Isaiah 64 didn’t happen until 100 years after his death. As I have mentioned before, prophets frequently describe future events in the past tense. John does it all the time in Revelation. If you also are finishing Isaiah, you might be interested in viewing two videos about the book of Isaiah at In response to the first of the videos, if you have listened to what I said somewhere about Isaiah, you will know what I think about the authorship of Isaiah. I believe he wrote it all.

Please encourage your friends to read the Bible in 2019!

May the Lord bless you ‘real good’.


Check out this episode!

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