Wednesday, February 5, 2014

DBRP_FEb06_2014 Ex13-14 Job37 2Ptr1

Because of the Passover plague which killed Egypt's firstborn, God claims the firstborn of Israel for all time to come. Then we hear of Pharaoh's final hardening of his heart, and the parting of the red sea.

Elihu speaks louder as a storm showing God's awesome majesty is blowing up. In the other chapters Elihu has said that God uses multiple means of communication with humans. He maintains that God is just, and says that in Job's despair, Job has gone too far in saying it doesn't make any difference if one tries to serve God. God is amazing in power, and he does notice and punish the wicked.

Peter teaches that we can make use of God's promises to give power for godly living, enabling us to share God's own nature, and thereby escaping the world's corruption. 

Check out this episode!

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