Friday, January 30, 2015

2015DBRP_031 Ex1-2 Job31 1Ptr5

Yesterday we wrapped up Genesis with Jacob's very prophetic

blessings for each of his sons. Then we heard of the conclusion after

Jacob was buried and finally Joseph died.

Exodus is clearly a continuation of the story of Genesis, since the first word is And. Tradition holds that Moses is the author. The name Exodus derives from the name that was given by the Septuagint translators (which is the translation of the OT into classical Greek made 300 years before Christ).

Here are two perceptive summary statements about Exodus, quotes by Durham (from Constable’s Notes):

“No other biblical book surfaces elsewhere in the OT as frequently as the Book of Exodus does; in the NT only the Books of Psalms and Isaiah are cited more, and that for the fairly obvious reasons of liturgy and messianism.”

“The story of the first half of Exodus, in broad summary, is Rescue. The story of the second half, in equally broad summary, is Response, both immediate response and continuing response. And binding together and undergirding both Rescue and Response is Presence, the Presence of Yahweh from whom both Rescue and Response ultimately derive.”

Here is a quote by J. Daniel Hays:

“The deliverance of Israel out of Egypt by Yahweh in the Old Testament is parallel in importance to the resurrection of Christ in the New Testament. The historicity of these events is a critical foundation for a proper understanding of the rest of the Bible.”

And finally, Henrietta Mears in her handbooks says this:

Exodus is connected to Genesis in much the same way that the New Testament is connected to the Old Testament. Genesis tells of humanity’s failure under every test and in every condition. Exodus is the thrilling epic of God rushing to the rescue. It tells of the redeeming work of a sovereign God.

We turn now to Job 31. Job's sixth and final chapter, where he makes his final protest that he is innocent. After this, Elihu struts his stuff.

Peter finished chapter 4 talking about bearing the name of

Christ (included in the word Christian) proudly and being

patient under suffering, if that is included in God's will for you.

Translation notes:

9 Stand firm against him, and [continue to/0] be strong in [fully believing in Christ//your faith]. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are

[victoriously/0] going through the same kind of suffering you


Peace be with all of you who are [joined to//in] Christ.

Check out this episode!

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