Friday, January 16, 2015

2015DBRP_017 Gen30 Job17 Mrk10b

Yesterday, Jacob left home, and God appeared to him and

promised to bless him as he blessed Isaac. Jacob worked for

Laban, married both Leah and Rachel, and Leah had sons

through Leah.

Yesterday was the first chapter of Job's response to Eliphaz. He said

6 Instead, I suffer if I defend myself,

and I suffer no less if I refuse to speak.


9 God hates me and angrily tears me apart.

This last statement shows how easy it is for us humans to misunderstand God’s will or intentions concerning us. God did not hate Job!

Yesterday in 10a, Jesus gave God's true perspective on divorce,

blessed some children, and said that is impossible for the rich to

enter the Kingdom of God (in their own strength). Jesus gave a

wonderful promise for missionaries at the end of the chapter.

Translation notes:

33 “Listen,” he said, “we’re going up to Jerusalem, where

[I,/0] the Son of Manh will be betrayed to the leading priests

and the teachers of religious law. They will sentence himme

to die and hand [me/him] over to the Romans.i 34 They will

mock [me], spit on [me], flog [me] with a whip, and

kill [me], but after three days [I/he] will rise again.”

One very seldom talks of oneself using a third person pronoun in most of the world's languages.

45For even [I, as/0] the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give [my/his] life as a ransom for many.”

52 And Jesus said to him, “Go, [you are healed now because you fully believed in me//for your faith has healed

you].” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus

down the road.

Check out this episode!

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