In yesterday's reading in Genesis, Abraham deceived Abimelech, Isaak was born, and Hagar has problems with Sarah resulting that Hagar took Ishmael away. Finally Abraham made a covenant with Abimelech. My 11 year-old grandson Luke takes the part of Isaac in today's reading.
Yesterday, Zophar said to Job,
2 “Shouldn’t someone answer
this torrent of words?
Is a person proved innocent just by a lot of
3 Should I remain silent while you babble on?
When you mock God, shouldn’t someone
make you ashamed?
4 You claim, ‘My beliefs are pure,’
and ‘I am clean in the sight of God.’
5 If only God would speak;
if only he would tell you what he thinks!
13“If only you would prepare your heart
and lift up your hands to him in prayer!
14Get rid of your sins,
and leave all iniquity behind you.
In Mark 7 yesterday, Jesus gave this very significant teaching:
“It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”
And we heard the way that Jesus gave a difficult test to the Gentile woman. As I implied yesterday, there is treasure there to dig for in that enigmatic test.
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