Today we start the book entitled Tales of the Resistance, by David and Karen Mains. This is the second book of their trilogy that started with the book Tales of the Kingdom. I have already recorded that book as part of the JoySightings series, and you can start from the first book by using the search button in your podcast program or at the site. The first chapter of that book is in episode 12. To easily find that, search for underscore 012.
The Tales by David and Karen Mains are told making heavy use of allegory. So today the story again centers on the boy named Hero. We meet our favorite characters again, including Caretaker and Mercy. Hero was born in Enchanted City, the city ruled by the evil sorcerer called the Enchanter. Hero has a scar on his cheek from the time he was branded into the service of the Enchanter. (The brand was supposed to be on his hand, but he struggled and the hot brand slipped and branded his cheek instead.) At the end of the first book, the True King told Hero that He wanted him to leave Great Park (the place where the King still ruled) and return to Enchanted City where he would work in the Resistance movement.
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