Yesterday we read David’s long poem of praise for God giving him victory and deliverance from his enemies.
We turn for the first time to PSALM 119:
This psalm is famous for being the longest chapter in the Bible, and it is an acrostic psalm with a difference. In this psalm, every line of each stanza starts with the same letter of the alphabet, instead of every line with a different letter. The psalm has 22 stanzas, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. And this psalm has a clear theme: God’s Word— or a synonym for it, is mentioned in almost every verse.
We turn for the second time to JOHN 3.
One of the features of John's Gospel is that he breaks in with commentary without warning. Because of the lack of quote marks in ancient Greek, there were no overt signs marking the end of Jesus' speech and John's comment, or at the end of this chapter, John the Baptist's speech and John's comment. I personally don't think that John 3:16 is Jesus' words about himself, but is the start of John's explanation of Jesus' enigmatic words: “as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so [I,] the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in [Me/him] will have eternal life.” We have read that story in Numbers 21. Imagine that all one had to do to be healed of a snake bite was to look at the bronze snake which Moses had put up on a pole. Do you think any of the people who were bitten refused to look up at that bronze snake? (Don’t miss that the shape this cast would have been very much like the shape of a cross.)
Translation notes:
13 And no one has ever gone up to heaven except [Me,] the Son of Man, who came down from heaven.”
14 As Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the desert, in the same way [I,] the Son of Man[,] must be lifted up,
[Exegetes and commentators disagree on where to stop Jesus’ quoted conversation with Nicodemus. Ancient Greek didn’t have mark quotes. GNT stops the quote at the end of 13, which is quite early compared with other translations. Note that inserting unmarked parenthetical comments or teachings is a feature of John’s style. To me, I feel it makes most sense that John 3:16 is John’s explanation of Jesus’ very figurative saying in verse 14-15. There is another example of the difficulty of placing quote marks in this chapter. I think that John the Baptist’s quote ends at verse 30 not at the end of the chapter. So I differ with NLT’s quote marks for the last paragraph.]
20 Those who do evil things hate the light and will not come to the light, because they do not want their evil deeds to be [revealed//shown up].
[The meaning is definitely not the newer ‘show up’ meaning (surpass)!]
32 He tells what he has seen and heard, yet [so few accept//no one accepts (hyperbole)] his message.
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