Hey, everyone!
For any listeners out there who are using the native Apple Podcast App (with the purple icon): SORRY. We implemented a naming change that was recommended by Apple for all podcasts. But on devices using OS 11, the name change makes it hard to distinguish the different podcast series. It will take me some time to fix this. In the meantime, I suggest installing the free DBRP app from the App Store. It still uses the old naming conventions and separates the podcasts by category.
I’m thrilled that my update to the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan now shows up in my YouVersion Bible-reading app. You can tell if you are seeing the updated plan if you have a ‘Podcast choices’ link up at the top line of the Devotional Content page. (This replaces two links that were previously on the top line.) If you still see separate links for GNT and NLT up in the top line, you might try logging off the app and logging back in. The place to do that is at the top of the Settings page in the app.
If you are using an Android device, using the new ‘Podcast choices’ link at the top as you start each day, you can more conveniently read the Bible texts and listen to the corresponding podcast at the same time. Now you don’t have to fiddle with two different apps to both listen and read along! Here are step-by-step instructions:
- Just go to your day in the YouVersion app, click on the Podcast Choices link in the Devotional Content page.
- The YouVersion app will then show you the DBRP website with all the episodes available matching your day number. (This webpage is still technically being viewed from within the YouVersion app.)
- Scroll down to see the links to the GN, NL, or NE podcast for that day.
- Then, (and this is the tricky part) do a long press on the link for the episode you want, and in the pop-up box choose “Open in a new Tab.” So don’t just click on the podcast, but do a 2-second-long press on it.
- Hit the play button in that new tab (which is now appearing in your Internet browser).
- Then use normal multitasking commands to return to the YouVersion app. It will still be showing the search results page.
- Hit the X to dismiss that page or use your device’s Back button, and you will be back at the Devotional Content page, ready to continue reading.
Basically, what I just said in that too-technical paragraph is this: All within the YouVersion app, you can now click through to listen to any podcast that matches your day number, and go back to read along while listening.
The Devotional Content pages in the YouVersion app are limited to 400 words. Anytime you want to view the complete translation notes, use the same Podcast Choices link, and click on the Read More link for that day’s podcast. The dailybiblereading.info website always has the complete episode notes.
If you are one who never can read along while listening— because you are driving or doing something else, then you will probably want to stick with the listening app you have been using. The new way of reading and simultaneously listening described above will be easier for new people subscribing to the DBRP.
There are two things I want to highlight at the dailybiblereading.info site:
- First is Vicky Pool’s audio invitation to listen to the whole Bible in a year. Vicky is a member of our church and my volunteer secretary. She has helped me in a lot of behind the scenes in managing the podcast series. She also has shared the DBRP with the blind or vision-impaired community.
- There is now a README FIRST PDF file linked right at the top of every page of our site. The top of the file tells the basics, like how to get started listening. Below that is a table of contents that links you to answers to every question I can think of that someone might ask about our reading plan, about Bible translations, about how to listen on various devices, and even information about me and Gale. Then at the end of the document, the table of Bible readings for the whole 365 day plan is given. So I hope this plan will be useful for the person who just wants to read the 3D plan using their Bible, and also for the person using some form of technology to listen to the podcasts and read along on their device.
If you don’t happen to like the YouVersion app, or if you want a Bible-reading app that gives you many tools for looking at the Biblical source language texts, consider following the 3D plan using MyBible, which is available for both Android or Apple devices. MyBible also has a wonderful selection of Bible translations, including some for download that you cannot download for offline reading in the YouVersion app. I enjoy being able to see three translations on the screen at once on my tablet. It is taking me a little time to learn how to make full use of this powerful app.
Now is the time to encourage your friends to listen to and/or read the whole Bible in 2018!
- Please share the dailybiblereading.info website,
- please share Vicky’s invitation,
- and please tell people about the README FIRST PDF file.
- You can easily share an episode using the social media buttons that are part of the podcast player on our website or in most apps.
- I hope that you who are finishing your three hundred and 65 days will write a post that says something like, “Hey, I enjoyed this Bible reading plan this year …” If you’re doing that in Facebook, please write out the whole address and a link will appear. So type in: http://dailybiblereading.info
- Or if you’re just starting, please make a post that says, “Hey, look what I’m gonna do this year!” And give the same complete link.
Don’t do this because I suggested it! Do this if you want others to read or listen to God’s Word daily.
Gale and I send a warm Merry Christmas greeting to all of you!
May the Lord bless you ‘real good’, now, and in 20 18.
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