Friday, July 7, 2017

GN-DBRP_189 2KI.5 2KI.6 PSA.125 JHN.11.21-57

2KINGS 5-6:
Yesterday we heard of the many miracles done by Elisha, supplying water for three armies on their way to Moab for war, helping the widow of a prophet, blessing the woman from Shunem, purifying Jericho's water, and miraculously transforming food.

PSALM 125:
The first verse of this psalm is one that our family has sung for years. Gale and I learned this song from a cassette tape that came from a Canadian church called St. Margaret’s, a place we have never been to. At that time (around 1977) we were teachers in Papua New Guinea and our David was two. Those who trust in the Lord are secure!

JOHN 11b:
Reminding us of what we heard in John 10: Our Shepherd calls us by name. He knows us thoroughly, just like He and the Father know each other. He goes before us and leads us into a rich and satisfying life. He is our great and good Shepherd because He was willing to sacrifice his life for us.

NLT Translation notes:
26 Everyone who [0//lives in me and] believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”
[Woah! I am surprised that, apparently, the NLT translators didn’t think that just believing was enough! I don’t see any textual variant that could justify this addition. I normally like the NLT. This just goes to show that no translation is perfect.]
31 When the people who were at the house consoling Mary saw her leave so hastily, they assumed she was going to Lazarus’s grave to weep [there]. So they followed her [0/there].
38 Jesus was still [upset//angry] as he arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance.

Check out this episode!

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