Tuesday, February 14, 2017

GN-DBRP_046 EXO.30 EXO.31 PSA.4 LUK.4.22-44

EXODUS 30-31:
Yesterday we heard the instructions for consecrating the priests for their special work.

This is an evening hymn expressing our trust in God.

Yesterday we read of Jesus being tested by the devil, and we reread the story of how Jesus was rejected in his home town. When Jesus had finished reading from that special place in Isaiah 61, he sat down. In our culture we are likely to assume that sitting down was without the expectation of teaching. But in Jewish practice of this time, teachers sat down to teach. Frequently in the Gospels we find Jesus taking a sitting position when teaching.

GNT Translation notes:
Ps. 4:7 But the joy that you have given me [, O Lord,]
is more than they will ever have
with all their grain and wine.
23 He said to them, “I am sure that you will quote this proverb to me, ‘Doctor, heal yourself.’ You will [then] also tell me to do here in my hometown the same things you heard were done in Capernaum.

NLT Translation notes:
Ps. 4: 3 You can be sure of this:
The L ORD [has/0] set apart the godly for himself.
7 [O Lord,/0] You have given me greater joy
than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.
38 After leaving the synagogue that day, Jesus went to [Peter's/Simon’s] home, where he found [Peter's/Simon’s] mother-in-law very sick with a high fever. “Please heal her,”
everyone begged.
[Many new readers do not remember Peter’s given name, so in a place like this it is OK to use the name everyone knows and footnote the original.]

Check out this episode!

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