Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017_JoySightings_012 Re-releasing the first chapter of Tales of the Kingdom

This is a re-release of the first chapter of The Tales of the Kingdom, by David and Karen Mains. I am reading from the first edition, published in 1983 by David C. Cook. The book has beautiful color pictures (one per chapter) by Jack Stockman.

A precious supporter sent this book to us— along with the second one in the series, at the time we were living in the rain forest of Papua, Indonesia. Our children were at just the right ages to enjoy the full impact of these stories. And now it is a joy for me to read these to you, with the hope that our grandkids will eventually hear these stories as well.

These are written as allegories. You will enjoy the deep parable-like meanings that underlie the story of characters with names like Caretaker, Mercy, and Hero.

If you like this chapter of Tales of the Kingdom, you can find the rest of the chapters by searching for them in any app that plays the Daily Bible Reading Podcasts. You can also search for them at The easiest was to search for chapters from Tales of the Kingdom is to search for _013 (which is the second chapter) and all the way to _024. The search results will contain several other DBRP episodes, but you can easily find the one named JoySightings.

You can find the table of contents for all of the JoySightings editions by hovering your mouse cursor above the New Episodes menu entry at The JoySightings menu appears under that menu entry.

Check out this episode!

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