Yesterday we completed the story of Solomon’s achievements.
A highlight for today:
11 Stupid people express their anger openly, but sensible people are patient and hold it back.
Yesterday we heard Jesus’ teaching about John the Baptist.
Translation notes:
19 [But now I, the Son of Man have come, and I eat and drink (normally), and everyone says,//When the Son of Man came, he ate and drank, and everyone said,] ‘Look at this man! He is a glutton and wine drinker, a friend of tax collectors and other outcasts!’ God's wisdom, however, is shown to be true by its results.”
23 And as for you, Capernaum! Did you [think you would be lifted//want to lift yourself] up to heaven? You will be thrown down to hell! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would still be in existence today!
25 At that time Jesus said, [NLT “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. //GNT “Father, Lord of heaven and earth! I thank you because you have shown to the unlearned what you have hidden from the wise and learned.]
26 [NLT Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!//GNT Yes, Father, this was how you were pleased to have it happen.]
27 “My Father has given me all things. No one knows [Me, the Son,//the Son] except the Father, and no one knows the Father except [Me, his Son,//the Son] and those to whom [I choose//the Son chooses] to reveal him.
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