Monday, February 15, 2016

DBRP_047 EXO.32 EXO.33 PSA.5 LUK.5

Preparing to read EXODUS 32-33:

Yesterday we read about the plans for the incense altar, and about the making of incense and anointing oil. We heard also of God's choosing and giving ability to Bezalel and Oholiab for making everything required in the worship of God. And God emphasized the importance of keeping the Sabbath as a covenant responsibility.

Let’s turn to PSALM 5.

Psalm 5 is a song for early morning (when arising from a night of sleep). Erling Olsen comments that this Psalm says that God hates or detests evil doers. He says that this stands in stark contrast to pictures of God that make him only capable of the sentiment of love. We as God's created beings, have no right to criticize Him or remake him in an image we find more comfortable. God who created us has all emotions, and is just— possessing the right to judge his created beings.

We turn to LUKE 5.

Yesterday we read of Jesus being rejected in his home town, of healings, and casting out demons. He refused to have his identity proclaimed by demons, and silenced them. And He refused to stay in one town, but went around preaching in the whole area.

Translation notes:
8 When Simon [— whose other name was] Peter[,] saw what had happened, he fell on his knees before Jesus and said, “Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man!”
20 When Jesus saw how much [they believed in Him//faith they had], he said to the man, “[My friend, your sins are forgiven.//Your sins are forgiven, my friend.]”

Luke 5:22 was a very difficult verse for us to translate in both languages I have translated for. For one thing, it is not physically ‘difficult’ to pronounce either statement. As to the answer to Jesus’ rhetorical question, I do NOT buy the interpretation found in some translations that it was easier for Jesus to forgive the man’s sins because it was something that could not be physically seen. It was hard for Jesus to say both statements— hard in the sense that both statements require the power of God. Remember, Jesus knows that He will go to the cross in order to purchase forgiveness for this man— and for us. Jesus chose the order of his statements— not based on apparent difficulty, but to prove an important point to everyone, and especially his critics.


Check out this episode!

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