Yesterday we heard of Jeremiah being put in a muddy cistern, and being rescued by the faithful official, Ebed-melech. And we heard the terrible and painful result of Zedekiah's cowardly failure to do as repeatedly instructed by the Lord.
In yesterday’s chapter we heard a clear theme:
Drink water from your own well—
share your love only with your wife.
The teaching in today’s passage is insistent:
My son, obey your father’s commands,
and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.
In yesterday’s reading of chapter 14 Paul wrapped up the theme about spiritual gifts that was started in chapter 12. Note that at the end he became vehement and insistent, signalling that he knew there would be people who would think themselves wiser and more spiritual that himself. I want to underline: Paul was the apostle of the Lord who wrote 13 books of our New Testament. Every church and Christian fellowship should take these instructions seriously. If we don't, it just proves that we are hypocrites— play actors. However, those who seek spiritual gifts in a way that is not self-glorifying will find that the Spirit of the Lord still gives authentic gifts.
Translation notes:
2It is this Good News that saves you if you continue to believe the message I told you[. Otherwise, it was useless that you became believers in the first place! //—unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place.b///unless you never believed it in the first place.]
This is a difficult place to interpret what Paul meant, and I think at least 3 possibilities deserve consideration, and all seem to me to be equally possible.
29If the dead will not be raised, what point is there in people being baptized for those who are dead? Why [have some people done that//do it] unless the dead will someday rise again?
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