Yesterday we heard of the final amazing prophecies of Elijah, and then how he took leave of the prophets and particularly, his successor Elisha. Elisha quickly showed that he was Elijah's successor.
Readers helping today: Tabiya Saint Louis, Luke Fields, Rebecca Hinkle, and Laura Montgomery.
I keep being amazed how people (and particularly those in America) don’t seem to learn anything from the amazing things that are happening in our times. The last verse of this psalm expresses the lesson that I thing we should have learned by now.
Reminding us of what we heard in John 10: Our Shepherd calls us by name. He knows us thoroughly, just like He and the Father know each other. He goes before us and leads us into a rich and satisfying life. He is our great and good Shepherd because He was willing to sacrifice his life for us.
Translation notes:
5So although Jesus loved Martha, [and loved] Mary, and [loved] Lazarus,
26Everyone who [0//lives in me and] believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”
Woah! I am surprised that, apparently, the NLT translators didn’t think that just believing was enough! I don’t see any textual variant that would lead to this addition in the translation.
31When the people who were at the house consoling Mary saw her leave so hastily, they assumed she was going to Lazarus’s grave to weep [there]. So they followed her [0/there].
38Jesus was still [upset//angry] as he arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance.
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