Monday, March 9, 2015

2015DBRP_069 Num3 Ps27 Luke18b

Yesterday we heard about the organization of Israel's camp, having three tribes on each of the four sides of the tabernacle. This also determined their marching position when the whole group moved.


We turn to Psalm 27. This is a beautiful song, expressing David's confidence in the Lord’s protection, and he asks the Lord to vindicate him.

Translation notes:

10 Even if my father and mother abandon me,

[you, LORD,//the LORD] will hold me close.

14 [I say to myself://0] Wait patiently for the L ORD.

Be brave and courageous.

Yes, I will wait patiently for [you, LORD!//the LORD.]


We turn for the second time to Luke 18. Yesterday in the first half of the chapter, Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow and the one about the Pharisee and the tax collector. And we heard Jesus' surprising response to the rich young man.


Translation notes:


8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when [I,/0] the Son of Man returns, how many will [I/he] find on the earth who still [believe in Me//have faith]?”


28 Peter said, “[How about us?!//0] We’ve left our homes to

follow you!”


31 Taking the twelve disciples aside, Jesus said, “Listen, we’re going up to Jerusalem, where all the predictions of the

prophets concerning [me,//0] the Son of Man will come true. 32 [I/He] will be handed over to the Romans, and [I/he] will be mocked, treated shamefully, and spit upon.


33 They will flog [me/him] with a whip and kill [me/him], but on the third day [me/him] will rise again.”


41 “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Lord,” he said, “I want to see [again/0]!”


42 And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight! [It is because you fully believe in me that you are healed.//Your faith has healed you/]

Check out this episode!

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