Saturday, May 3, 2014

DBRP_May04_2014 Jud1 Ps78b Acts28

It happens that Psalm 78 is a perfect introduction to the book of Judges! This book covers the dark ages for the nation of Israel, from the time following Joshua’s death to the birth of the last judge, Samuel. HC Mears gives a good easy-to-remember summary: Seven apostasies (times of turning away from God), seven servitudes to seven idolatrous and cruel nations, and seven deliverances. The last verse is the author’s own summary, which is often repeated near the end of the book: “In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.”

Asaph continues his poetic reminder to the people of Israel.

Paul, Luke, and the others arrive in Rome. Luke stays with Paul long enough to record that he had two years of house arrest, and that he started his time there giving a clear testimony to the Jews about Christ Jesus. 

Check out this episode!

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