Sunday, January 31, 2016

DBRP_032 EXO.3 EXO.4 JOB.32 JAS.1

Preparing to read EXODUS 3-4:

In yesterday's beginning to Exodus, we heard of Moses' birth and his young adulthood in Egypt. He murdered a man and had to flee for his life, going to Midian. We also read of his helping the seven daughters of Reuel, a scene that I can't read without thinking of the Cecil B. DeMill movie.

Turning to JOB 32:

Job having finished his defense, Elihu takes the stage. HC Mears says,
Eliphaz basically said, “God never makes a mistake. What have you done to bring this on yourself?” Bildad essentially said, “God is just. Confess your sin.” Zophar suggested, “God is all-wise. He knows man.” Elihu, God's man, said the wisest thing: “God is good; look up, and trust Him.”

Note that at the end of the book, Elihu is not mentioned as having misrepresented God. He does seem to speak wisely, but we can fault him for his arrogance.

Translation notes:
10 So now [,//I want you to] listen to me;
let me tell you what I think.
13 How can you claim [that] you have discovered wisdom?
God must answer Job, for you have failed.

Let’s turn to JAMES 1:

Yesterday in 1Peter 5, Peter gave a very important encouragement to elders within the church. And among other things, he gave an important word on spiritual battle with Satan.

The letter of James is similar to 1 Peter in several ways. In the first verse of both letters, both mention that their audience is dispersed throughout the world. Both describe their audience using Jewish catch phrases. James is also similar to Peter in the way he sets out several themes and keeps returning to them. Moyer says of this book, “As soon as we read through the letter of James we say to ourselves, ‘This man was a preacher before he was a writer.’”

James is probably the oldest book of the New Testament, written perhaps only 15 years after Jesus' death and before the first council of Jerusalem in AD 50. This was written, not by the disciple named James, but by James the half brother of Christ. While Jesus was alive, James was not a believer. But he came to believe when Jesus appeared to him shortly after His resurrection. Some time after this and before his martyrdom in AD 62, James was the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

James does not call himself ‘the brother of Jesus’ but His slave!

Translation notes:
1 From James, a [slave//servant] of God and of the Lord [Christ Jesus//Jesus Christ}:
Greetings to [the twelve tribes of//all] God's people scattered over the whole world.

With these words, James pictures that all the followers of Jesus are like the twelve tribes of Israel that were scattered everywhere. The twelve tribes of Israel had scattered as a result of persecution, and it was the same with the followers of Jesus.

2 My brothers and sisters, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, 3 for you know that when your [belief in Christ//faith] succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure.


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Saturday, January 30, 2016

DBRP_031 EXO.1 EXO.2 JOB.31 1PE.5

Introducing EXODUS:

Yesterday we wrapped up Genesis with Jacob's very prophetic blessings for each of his sons. Then we heard of the conclusion after Jacob was buried and finally Joseph died.

Exodus is clearly a continuation of the story of Genesis, since the first word in the Hebrew text is ‘And’. Tradition holds that Moses is the author. The name Exodus derives from the name that was given by the Septuagint translators— which is the translation of the OT into classical Greek made 300 years before Christ.

Here are two perceptive summary statements about Exodus— quotes by Durham (from Constable’s Notes):

“No other biblical book surfaces elsewhere in the OT as frequently as the Book of Exodus does; in the NT only the Books of Psalms and Isaiah are cited more, and that for the fairly obvious reasons of liturgy and messianism.”

“The story of the first half of Exodus, in broad summary, is Rescue. The story of the second half, in equally broad summary, is Response, both immediate response and continuing response. And binding together and undergirding both Rescue and Response is Presence, the Presence of Yahweh from whom both Rescue and Response ultimately derive.”

Here is a quote by J. Daniel Hays:

“The deliverance of Israel out of Egypt by Yahweh in the Old Testament is parallel in importance to the resurrection of Christ in the New Testament. The historicity of these events is a critical foundation for a proper understanding of the rest of the Bible.”

And finally, Henrietta Mears in her handbooks says this:

“Exodus is connected to Genesis in much the same way that the New Testament is connected to the Old Testament. Genesis tells of humanity’s failure under every test and in every condition. Exodus is the thrilling epic of God rushing to the rescue. It tells of the redeeming work of a sovereign God.”

Translation note:
2:11 When Moses had grown up, he went out to visit his people, the Hebrews, and he saw how they were forced to do hard labour. He even saw an Egyptian [strike//beating//attaching//kill] a Hebrew, one of Moses' own people.

We turn now to JOB 31.

This is Job's third and final chapter of this long speech, where he makes his final protest that he is innocent. After this, Elihu struts his stuff.

Translation note:
12 [Such a sin//It] would be like a destructive, hellish fire,
consuming everything I have.

Turning to 1PETER 5:

Peter finished chapter 4 talking about proudly bearing the name of ‘Christ’— which is part of the word ‘Christian’, and being patient under suffering, if that is included in God's will for you.

Translation note:
9 Be firm in [fully believing in Christ//your faith] and resist him, because you know that your fellow-believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings.

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This is a rebroadcasting of the first edition of JoySightings. This series is just for fun, and because I have so much enjoyed reading some of these stories to our family and others. This series will include some parables that are more interesting to adults, and some stories that children aged about 7 to 10 years old will enjoy. These stories and parables are “a few of my favorite things.”

Safed the Sage was the pen name of William E. Barton.

Safed: The dog and the limited

Safed: Moving pictures

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Friday, January 29, 2016

DBRP_030 GEN.49 GEN.50 JOB.30 1PE.4

Preparing to read GENESIS 49-50:

In yesterday's reading, Jacob blessed Pharaoh, Joseph lead powerfully during the worst of the famine, and Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh— putting the younger Ephraim above his older brother. (And if you remember Jacob's story, you'll know where he got that idea.)

Translation note:
[NLT and GNT footnote: 12 His eyes are darker than wine,
and his teeth are whiter than milk.//GNT text:
12 His eyes are bloodshot from drinking wine,
His teeth white from drinking milk.]

We turn to JOB 30.

This is the 2nd of Job’s three chapters stating his complaints. Yesterday Job spoke of his previous blessed life and high position. In this chapter he tells of his anguish.

We turn to 1PETER 4.

Yesterday in chapter 3 he gave instructions to wives, husbands, and all Christians— particularly when we suffer. NOTE: The difficult final verses of chapter 3 having to do with Noah's day and spirits in prison are interpreted for us in chapter 4, verse 6. That’s why I suggest that we begin by reading 1PETER 3:17-22 again.

Translation notes:
3:20 These were the spirits of those who had not obeyed God when he waited patiently during the days that Noah was building his boat. The few people in the boat — eight in all — were [safely brought through//saved by] the water,
3:21 which [is//was] a symbol pointing to baptism, which now saves you. It is not the washing away of bodily dirt, but the promise made to God from a good conscience. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
4:6 That's why the Good News was given by Christ to those spirits in the world of the dead. Let that be a warning to all of us: God will judge all mankind according to what we have done. But the Good News has been given so that we can live with God forever. (PET)

I don't agree with those who do all sorts of interpretational gymnastics in order to say that the spirits in this verse are not the same as those just a few verses before. One of the main principles of interpretation is to let Scripture interpret Scripture— and even more so when it is the same author and in the same context. (Remember that Peter is not the one who came up with the unfortunate chapter break here.) I call on those who feel it necessary to find a difference between the ‘spirits’ to examine the doctrinal principles that force them to go to such lengths. Is it your doctrine that people are never given a second chance for salvation after death? In that case, just consider that God was starting the world all over in the flood, and God has the right to make a special case for those pre-flood people. In our own case, I agree, God will not give us a second chance after death. Actually, the way we have translated verse 6 above eliminates the second chance problem.


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Thursday, January 28, 2016

DBRP_029 GEN.47 GEN.48 JOB.29 1PE.3

Preparing to read GENESIS 47-48:

In yesterday's reading, Jacob arrived in Egypt with his family. Excluding more extended family, the whole group numbered 70 people at that time.

We turn to JOB 29:

Yesterday we heard the chapter in praise of God’s wisdom, which GNT attributes to Zophar. Today Job speaks of his former blessings, in the first of three chapters which are the final statement of his case.

Preparing to read 1PETER 3:

Peter packed each sentence with meaning. I encourage you to take time to read the first two chapters slowly and think about Peter’s descriptive words. Yesterday, for instance, we read the wonderful “Living Stones” passage— which pictures deep meaning about our spiritual identity because of our being built upon (or, joined as one with) Christ, the Cornerstone.

At the end of chapter 2, Peter taught about submitting to governmental leaders, and slaves submitting to their masters.


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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

DBRP_028 GEN.46 JOB.28 1PE.2

Preparing to read GENESIS 46:

In yesterdays two chapters, Joseph's brothers went back to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph's younger brother. Joseph contrived a creative way to reveal his identity. When Pharaoh heard about Joseph's brothers, he helped provide for Jacob's family to come to Egypt.

We turn to JOB 28.

This chapter and part of the previous chapter are assigned to Zophar in the GNT. NLT goes strictly with the assignments of speakers as in the Hebrew, where all of this is assigned to Job.

We turn to 1PETER 2.

Peter addressed his letter to “To God's chosen people who live as [refugees/foreigners] scattered throughout” various provinces. But it is clear that Peter also has a spiritual meaning in mind, as the song says, “This world is not my home.” In chapter 2, Peter again comforts us and gives wonderful descriptions of our identity because of being joined to Christ. The first verse of chapter 2 starts with ‘then/So’, so let’s recall the last verses of chapter 1, starting at v22:

22 Now that by your obedience to the truth you have purified yourselves and have come to have a sincere love for other believers, love one another earnestly with all your heart. 23 For through the living and eternal word of God you have been born again as the children of a parent who is immortal, not mortal. 24 As the scripture says,
“All human beings are like grass,
and all their glory is like wild flowers.
The grass withers, and the flowers fall,
25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
[Included in this Word that remain forever//This word] is the Good News that was proclaimed to you.


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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DBRP_027 GEN.44 GEN.45 JOB.27 1PE.1

Preparing to read GENESIS 44-45:

Yesterday we heard of Joseph's brothers on their first and second trips to Egypt. Regarding my comment in yesterday’s podcast about Joseph giving wine without limit, it is likely that Hewas showing the normal generosity of a wealthy host. I very much doubt that under these circumstances his brothers would have allowed themselves to become drunk. We pick up the story, still in Joseph's palace on the second trip.

Opening to JOB 27:

In the NLT, this chapter is the 2nd chapter of Job’s six-chapter-long speech. But in the GNT Zophar interrupts and carries on through chapter 28.

Turning for the first time to FIRST PETER:

In the last chapter of Mark’s Gospel, we read about the resurrection of Jesus. Since Mark very likely wrote his gospel based on Peter's information, it seems fitting that we move to Peter's two letters now. Evidently Peter spent the last decade of his life in Rome, where he was martyred around the year 64. Mark (whom Peter fondly refers to as ‘his son’ in chapter 5) was with him in Rome when this was written. Silas— whom we will hear of later in Acts, was the secretary for writing this letter. Scholars do not doubt that this letter is from Peter.

Here are a couple of quotes from Constable’s Notes. Constable quotes Selwyn:

“Along with [1Peter’s//its] [end times//eschatological] focus there is much emphasis on holiness (personal, social, and communal), hope, salvation, community, relationship to the world, the Trinity, and especially suffering.”
“… despite its brevity—only 105 verses in all—[1Peter/it] is a microcosm of Christian faith and duty, the model of a pastoral charge, composed of divers materials and of many themes.”

For those who want to delve deeper in studying this short letter, I encourage you to search out and mark every occurrence of these repeated words: suffering, hope, joy, grace, and glory.

Translation notes:
1 This letter is from Peter, an apostle of [Christ Jesus*//Jesus Christ].
(This change will be made everywhere.)

Even though the Greek has the order as ‘Jesus Christ’ and that order sounds natural to our ears, it is not really grammatical. This is shown if I put some other title and name in that order. If I say, “Obama President is going to Egypt next week,” then everyone will say that that ordering is unnatural. We never say, “Obama President” but “President Obama...” By using the grammatical order for “Christ Jesus” it makes it clear that a title is being used. The title of Christ— by the way, means the same as the title in the Hebrew language, Messiah. Both terms mean ‘the anointed one’.

‘faith’ → ‘fully believe’
This change was also made in the podcast. It helps us to see the cohesion of the Greek word ‘pistis/pistew’ if the same root word is used in English.

25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
[Included in this Word that lasts forever//This word] is the Good News that was proclaimed to you.


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Monday, January 25, 2016

DBRP_026 GEN.42 GEN.43 JOB.26 MRK.16

Preparing to read GENESIS 42-43:

Yesterday in chapter 41, we heard of Pharaoh's dream, and what happened to Joseph as a result of his correctly telling the interpretation. Note also that Joseph was careful to give the glory to God for that interpretation.

Turning to JOB 26:

Yesterday in chapter 25, Bildad only had a six verse response, because Job interrupted him with the speech we will read today. Bildad implied Job’s guilt in more than one way, including this most obvious rhetorical question:
4 Can anyone be righteous or pure in God's sight?

Let’s open to MARK 16:

Yesterday we heard of the death and burial of Jesus. That chapter was full of fulfilled prophecies.

Translation notes:
1 After the Sabbath was over, Mary [— the one from the village of Magdalene//Magdalene], Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices to go and anoint the body of Jesus.
17 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in [unlearned languages//strange tongues];


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Sunday, January 24, 2016

DBRP_025 GEN.41 JOB.25 MRK.15.33-47

We open to GENESIS 41:

In yesterday's reading, Joseph interpreted two dreams. He said something significant: Interpreting dreams is God’s business.

Translation note:
55 When the Egyptians began to be hungry, they cried out to the king for food. So he ordered them to go to Joseph and do [whatever Joseph//what he] told them.

Preparing to read JOB 25:

Yesterday Job said,
Why doesn't God set a time for judging, a day of justice for those who serve him? (Job 24:1)

And speaking of the helpless and downtrodden he said,
“In the cities the wounded and dying cry out, but God ignores their prayers. (v12)

Starting in v18 GNT follows a number of other translations in saying that Zophar chimed in, disagreeing that the wicked are indeed punished, contradicting what Job was saying. NLT doesn’t do that. When you find a place like that and want more information, it is always a good idea to see if the NET (New English Translation) has a footnote. If you are using the YouVersion Bible reader, and do not see the footnote marks in NET and GNT, click the Menu button, then click Settings, and activate Show Notes.

In chapter 25, Bildad only has time to speak a few lines when Job interrupts him.

Let’s turn for the second time to MARK 15:

In the first half of this chapter, Jesus was tried by Pilate, and condemned when Pilate caved in to pressure orchestrated by the religious leaders. The soldiers beat and mocked Jesus, he was nailed to the cross, and then everyone mocked him.

Translation notes:
40 Some women were there, looking on from a distance. Among them were Mary [— the one from the village of Magdalene//Magdalene], Mary the mother of the younger James and of Joseph, and Salome.
47 Mary [— the one from Magdalene//Magdalene] and Mary the mother of Joseph were watching and saw where the body of Jesus was placed.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

DBRP_024 GEN.40 JOB.24 MRK.15.1-32

Preparing to read GENESIS 40:

In Genesis yesterday, some listeners to these podcasts were probably shocked. We heard the less than auspicious beginnings of Judah's line— particularly involving Tamar, who was more righteous than Judah. Then we heard of Joseph working for Potiphar and then being thrown in jail. Even in jail, he rose to the top.

Turning to JOB 24:

Job continues his response to Eliphaz.

Opening to MARK 15:

At the end of chapter 14, Jesus was arrested, was tried before the council, and Peter denied knowing Jesus.

Translation notes:
2 Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” 
Jesus replied, “[Yes, as you said.//You have said it.]” (NLT)

Jesus says “You say” in Greek. I am told that this would normally be interpreted as an affirmative response. For English, I don't like the NLT here, because “You have said it” might mean an enthusiastic affirmative. On the other hand, if we say something like “Those are your words,” it implies that Jesus is disagreeing. Probably the best way to translate an affirmative is to add a 'Yes' to make clear the meaning. I also am not completely happy with the GNT. When we say, ‘So you say,’ in English, we are implying that we are skeptical of the previous speaker’s statement. In this case, Pilate has asked a question, and the response ‘So you say’ seems inappropriate.

18 Then they began to [mockingly] salute him: “Long live the King of the Jews!”
26 The notice of the accusation against him [read//said]: “The King of the Jews.”
30 [Come down now//Now come down] from the cross and save yourself!”


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Friday, January 22, 2016

DBRP_023 GEN.38 GEN.39 JOB.23 MRK.14.43-72

Let’s turn to GENESIS 38-39:

In yesterday's reading, we heard of Joseph's dreams, his brothers' jealousy, and Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt.

Translation note:
6 For his first son Er, Judah [arranged a marriage with a woman named//got a wife whose name was] Tamar.

Preparing to read JOB 23:

Yesterday Eliphaz said:
4 It is not because you stand in awe of God
that he reprimands you and brings you to trial.
5 No, it's because you have sinned so much;
it's because of all the evil you do.

And he also said,
21 Now, Job, make peace with God
and stop treating him like an enemy;
if you do, then he will bless you.
22 Accept the teaching he gives;
keep his words in your heart.
23 Yes, you must humbly return to God
and put an end to all the evil
that is done in your house.
24 Throw away your gold;
dump your finest gold in the dry stream bed.
25 Let Almighty God be your gold,
and let him be silver, piled high for you.
28 You will succeed in all you do,
and light will shine on your path.

Beware that some teachers of prosperity in our age say things just like that, and quote such verses without understanding the message of this book.

We turn for the second time to MARK 14:

Yesterday we heard the story of the Last Supper, the prophecy that Peter would deny Jesus three times, and the prayers at Gethsemane.

Translation notes:
62 “I am,” answered Jesus, “and you will all see [me—] the Son of Man[,] seated at the right side of the Almighty and coming with the clouds of heaven!”
64 You heard his blasphemy. What is your decision?”
They all voted against him: [He was judged guilty and sentenced to death.//he was guilty and should be put to death.]


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Thursday, January 21, 2016

DBRP_022 GEN.37 JOB.22 MRK.14.1-42

Preparing to read GENESIS 37:

The focus of Genesis 36 was on the descendants of Esau, and the ethnic groups they spawned.

We turn to JOB 22.

In chapter 21, Job gave a very convincing argument that God does not always punish wicked people— refuting what Zophar said. Today Eliphaz begins the third set of exchanges between Job and his ‘friends’. Eliphaz’ promises at the end of his speech sound rather hollow to me.

Turning to MARK 14:

Yesterday we read the prophecy chapter of Mark, chapter 13. The theme of that chapter is “Be ready” and Jesus says, “Keep watching for Me.”

Translation notes:
10Then Judas[, the man from the village of Cariot// Iscariot], one of the twelve disciples, went off to the chief priests in order to betray Jesus to them.
40Then he came back to the disciples and found them asleep; they could not keep their eyes open. And they did not know what [excuse they could give to him//to say to him].

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DBRP_021 GEN.36 JOB.21 MRK.13

Preparing to read GENESIS 36:

Jacob's daughter Dinah was raped, and the perpetrator Shechem was killed and all the males in his town. God then told Jacob to return to Bethel. At the end of yesterday’s reading, Rachel and Grampa Isaak died.

We turn to JOB 21.

In Zophar's angry speech yesterday in chapter 20, he did not directly say that Job was wicked, but he clearly implied it.

Translation note:
9 God does [NOT//not] bring disaster on their homes;
they never have to live in terror.
17 Was a wicked person's light ever put out? [— as you claim,]
Did one of them ever meet with disaster?
Did God ever punish the wicked in anger
22 Can anyone teach God,
who judges even those in high places?

We turn to MARK 13.

Chapter 12— which gives an overview of the interactions with the enemies and critics of Jesus, basically marks the end of Jesus' public ministry as related by Mark.

Translation notes:
14“You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ standing in the place where he should not be.” ([[I, Mark, write this note//Note] to the [one who reads out loud to others//reader]: [Explain//understand] what this means!) “Then those who are in Judea must run away to the hills.

In Greek can be interpreted as ‘read out loud (to others)’ and the word ‘understand’ could mean that the reader should ‘explain’. This would make three Greek words to be Mark’s parenthetical comment, saying, “Hey public reader, explain this!” This makes sense because Jesus was speaking and Mark was the one writing. We must bear in mind that in Mark’s day, only a small percentage of a congregation would be able to read. Since I think that interpretation likely, it behooves me to explain this!

In saying ‘the Awful Horror’ Jesus is referring to the Antichrist, which was first clearly prophesied in Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11. Here we see a prime example of the way God repeats the fulfillment of important prophecies. In the immediate context in Mark 13 of fleeing to the hills, we can clearly see that Jesus was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem that happened in AD 70— about 40 years after he gave this prophecy. But Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 teaches that ‘the man of lawlessness’ or alternately translated ‘Wicked One’ “will oppose every so-called god or object of worship and will put himself above them all. He will even go in and sit down in God’s temple and claim to be God.” While there have been many intermediate fulfillments of the Antichrist, the ultimate Antichrist still has not been revealed. We all still must keep watch. (More information about the Antichrist can be found in 1 John.)

16 Someone who is [out] in [a//the] field must not go back to [his//the] house [to get his//for a] cloak.
27 He will send [out the angels//the angels out] to the four corners of the earth to gather God's chosen people from one end of the world to the other.
37 What I say to you, then, I say to all: [Keep on watching!//Watch!]”


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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

DBRP_020 GEN.34 GEN.35 JOB.20 MRK.12.24-44

Preparing to read GENESIS 34-35:

Yesterday we heard about Jacob wrestling all night with a mysterious heavenly figure, and about Jacob's reunion with Esau.

Let’s turn to JOB 20:

This chapter is Zophar’s second response to Job. In chapter 19, Job responded to Bildad's second speech. Job expressed amazing belief that he would see his defender (often translated ‘redeemer’). He says,
25 But I know there is someone in heaven
who will come at last to my defense.
26 Even after my skin is eaten by disease,
while still in this body I will see God.
27 I will see him with my own eyes,
and he will not be a stranger.

We turn for the second time to MARK 12.

Yesterday in the first half of Mark 12, Jesus told a pointed parable against the Jewish religious leaders, then he went on to refute the Sadducees. We re-read several verses today.


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Monday, January 18, 2016

DBRP_019 GEN.32 GEN.33 JOB.19 MRK.12.1-27

Let’s prepare to read GENESIS 32-33.

Yesterday we heard how Jacob and his big family got away from Laban and started the journey home. When Laban caught up with him, he and Jacob got into a quarrel and ended up making a covenant.

Turning to JOB 19:

In chapter 18, Bildad once again gave a speech about what happens to wicked people, and by implication, he said, “You're just getting what you deserve.” Job’s response in today’s chapter includes amazing revelations— considering that this is the earliest book in the Bible. Verses 23-27 can be compared with the second half of 1Corinthians 15.

Preparing to read MARK 12:

In Mark 11, Jesus was welcomed in triumph in Jerusalem, he cursed a fig tree and taught about prayer, and cleansed the temple of merchant activity. Then he answered and confuted the chief priests who challenged his authority to “do these things,”— in particular, taking their businesses out of the temple.

Note about v27 from, Constable quoting Lane:
“If the death of the patriarchs is the last word of their history, there has been a breach of the promises of God guaranteed by the [Abrahamic] covenant, and of which the formula ‘the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob’ is the symbol. It is in fidelity to his covenant that God will resurrect the dead.”



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Sunday, January 17, 2016

DBRP_018 GEN.31 JOB.18 MRK.11

Let’s turn to GENESIS 31:

Yesterday we heard of the rivalry between Rachel and Leah, and about more sons for Jacob— whose names all have meanings appropriate to what Rachel or Leah were feeling at the time.

Preparing to read JOB 18:

Yesterday Job again complained that he was surrounded by mockers, and despairingly again said
15 Where is there any hope for me?
Who sees any?
16 Hope will not go with me
when I go down to the world of the dead.

Translation notes:
12 [The wicked//They] used to be rich, but now they go hungry;
disaster stands and waits at their side.
18 [The wicked//They] will be driven out of the land of the living,
driven from light into darkness.

Turning to MARK 11:

Jesus has by now prepared his disciples for his death by prophesying about it, and by teaching them about what it will be like to ‘lead’ in His kingdom. And he healed Bartimaeus, who called Jesus by his Messianic title: the Son of David.

Translation notes:
6They answered just as Jesus had told them, and the [people//crowd] let them go.


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Saturday, January 16, 2016

DBRP_017 GEN.30 JOB.17 MRK.10.28-52

Preparing to read GENESIS 30:

In yesterday’s reading , Jacob left home, and God appeared to him and promised to bless him as he blessed Isaac. Jacob worked for Laban, married both Leah and Rachel, and he had four sons through Leah.

Let’s turn to JOB 17:

Yesterday was the first chapter of Job's response to Eliphaz. He complained that his three comforters were not very comforting.

1-2 I have heard words like that before;
the comfort you give is only torment.
3 Are you going to keep on talking forever?
Do you always have to have the last word?

And he said,
6 But nothing I say helps,
and being silent does not calm my pain.

9 In anger God tears me limb from limb;
he glares at me with hate.

This last statement shows how easy it is for us humans to misunderstand God’s will or intentions concerning us. God did not hate Job!

Turning for the second time to MARK 10:

Yesterday in the first half of chapter 10, Jesus gave God's true perspective on divorce, blessed some children, and said that is impossible for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God (in their own strength). By the way, there is a wrong teaching that is still often heard. People have heard that the ‘eye of the needle’ was a little door next to the big gate in Jerusalem, and that a camel could get through this gate but all the burden would have to be taken off. This is wrong. No such gate was made in New Testament days in Jerusalem. Such gates were made in castles in Europe in the middle ages. No, the meaning of the saying is just what he said: It is just as impossible for the rich to enter heaven as it is for a camel to go through the eye of a real sewing needle. The next statement of Jesus however shows the way the rich may enter heaven.

Jesus gave a wonderful promise for missionaries at the end of the chapter. I bear witness to every part of that. 2,000 Orya people call me ‘Aya Bak’— which means ‘older brother’. The Lord has blessed me way more than 100 times.

Translation note:
45 For even [I, as] the Son of Man did not come to be served; [I//he] came to serve and to give [my//his] life to redeem many people.”
52 “[You may go.//Go,]” Jesus told him, “[You have been made well because you believed fully in me.//your faith has made you well.]”
At once he was able to see and followed Jesus on the road.

Constable’s notes for v.49:
“The two descriptions of Jesus in these verses reveal the faith of Bartimaeus. The crowds simply described Jesus as “the Nazarene.” Bartimaeus had obviously heard about Jesus and had concluded that He was the Messiah. “Son of David” is a messianic title (cf. 11:9-10; 12:35-37; 2 Sam. 7:8-16; Isa. 11:1, 10; Jer. 23:5-6; Ezek. 34:23-24). Even though Bartimaeus lacked physical sight he saw more clearly who Jesus was then the multitudes who could see. His cry for mercy from Jesus expressed the attitude of trust, humility, and dependence that Jesus had been teaching His disciples to maintain.”


Check out this episode!

Friday, January 15, 2016

DBRP_016 GEN.28 GEN.29 JOB.16 MRK.10.1-31

Let’s turn to GENESIS 28-29:

After what Jacob did to Esau, with Esau holding a big grudge, it is time for Jacob to get out of town.

Translation note:
8 They answered, “We can't do that until all the flocks are here and the stone has been rolled back; then we [water all//will water] the flocks.”

Turning to JOB 16:

Eliphaz said that Job was showing no reverence for God, that his own words condemned him. His rhetorical questions all imply that Job is being proud and guilty of sin. Eliphaz maintained that no mortal can be pure.

Preparing to read MARK 10:

In yesterday's reading Jesus predicted his death, spoke about who is greatest in God's kingdom, and talked about the seriousness of sin.


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Thursday, January 14, 2016

DBRP_015 GEN.27 JOB.15 MRK.9.30-50

Preparing for reading GENESIS 27:

In yesterday's reading we read the history of Isaac and Rebecca's family before the narrative focuses on their dissimilar twin sons— and especially Jacob.

Turning to JOB 15:

We know a lot more than Job did. One thing was shown yesterday. Job asked,
14 If a man dies, can he come back to life?

Translation note:
25 That is the fate of those
who shake their fists at God
and defy the Almighty [— like you].

Let’s turn for the second time to MARK 9:

After coming down the mountain with three of his disciples, Jesus met his other disciples who were having two difficulties simultaneously with people arguing with them and with failing to heal a man’s son— who was possessed by an evil spirit or a demon.

Repeating a little of what I said in an earlier podcast: In Greek, ‘demon’ is daimonia, and the other term, ‘evil spirit’, is more literally ‘unclean spirit’. As someone who has worked in another culture and seen what has happened over my lifetime in the USA, I hope it will be helpful to some readers if I share about this topic. Some of you— particularly those of the older generation in the USA, will say, “What people called demons in Jesus’ day were just what we call mental illness.” While, paradoxically, it is the younger generation in the USA who more readily believe that demons actually exist. I think the younger generation have it right this time. Demons do exist.

Here’s what I have observed: Where demons are not believed in, they are happy to stay in the background— where they are very adept at promoting falsehood and sin. Where demons are feared, worshipped, where people listen to satanic music and take part in occult rituals, demons come out more openly— to increase people’s fear of them and to manipulate people.

As believers in Jesus, remember that Jesus has complete power over Satan and all demons. We who belong to Jesus should not fear them. Nor should we seek communication with such beings. Remember two things from yesterday’s story: The father wisely cried out, “Help my unbelief!” So the first thing to remember is to fully believe in Christ Jesus. The second is the answer Jesus gave to the disciples question: Prayer is of vital importance in this area of spiritual warfare.

Translation notes:
42“If anyone should cause one of these little ones [who believe in me to fall away//to lose faith in me], it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around the neck and be thrown into the sea.43 So if your hand makes you [fall away from me//lose your faith], cut it off! It is better for you to enter life without a hand than to keep both hands and go off to hell, to the fire that never goes out.45 And if your foot makes you [fall away from me//lose your faith], cut it off! It is better for you to enter life without a foot than to keep both feet and be thrown into hell. 47 And if your eye makes you [fall away from me//lose your faith], take it out! It is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with only one eye than to keep both eyes and be thrown into hell. 48 There ‘the worms that eat them never die, and the fire that burns them is never put out.’

[Jesus also taught using these sayings:]
49“Everyone will be purified by fire as a sacrifice is purified by salt.


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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DBRP_014 GEN.25 GEN.26 JOB.14 MRK.9.1-29

I encourage you to Dig Deeper in your Bible study this year. I have linked several powerful on-line Bible study tools on the Shovels page of the

And when you find an especially precious insight or a question, please share it with us via our online community.

Preparing to read GENESIS 25-26:

Yesterday in Genesis 24 we read the charming story of how Rebecca became Isaac's wife.

Opening to JOB 14:

In chapter 13, Job challenged his friends with these words,
6 Listen while I state my case.
7 Why are you lying?
Do you think your lies will benefit God?
8 Are you trying to defend him?
Are you going to argue his case in court?
9 If God looks at you closely, will he find anything good?
Do you think you can fool God the way you fool others?
14 I am ready to risk my life.
15 I've lost all hope, so what if God kills me?
I am going to state my case to him.
16 It may even be that my boldness will save me,
since no wicked person would dare to face God.

Today we read the third and final chapter of this response of Job to Zophar, chapter 14.

Translation note:
18 [A time comes//There comes a time] when mountains fall
and solid cliffs are moved away.
19 Water will wear down rocks,
and heavy rain will wash away the soil;
[even] so you destroy our hope for life.

Let’s turn to MARK 9:

Yesterday at the end of Mark 8, Jesus gave this requirement for all his followers:
“Everyone who wants to follow Me must leave his own self interests, and follow Me continually with this resolve, ‘No matter if I die— even if that be by crucifixion, I will keep following the Lord!’” (PET)

(The PET stands for the Plain English Translation. That is an English translation of our Plain Indonesian Translation (TSI).)

The rest of the chapter has other important verses including this one:

If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.

Translation notes:

1And he went on to say, “I tell you, there are some here who will not die until they [have seen God coming and setting up his Kingdom to reign on earth in great power!//have seen the Kingdom of God come with power.”]

In most languages (and I really think we need to include English) kingdoms don't ‘come’ or ‘arrive’. Similarly, cabbages don't read books. Such things are collocational clashes. The kingdom of North America doesn't move to South America. The Lord's prayer is a famous example. Instead of ‘May your kingdom come’ it is better in most of the world's languages to say, “May You come and reign here as our king.”

23 [Jesus said, “Ha! ‘…if you can’!//“Yes,” said Jesus, “if you yourself can!] Everything is possible for the person who [believes//has faith].”

24The father at once cried out, “I do [believe in you//have faith], but not enough. Help me [believe more fully//have more]!” (Literally, “help my unbelief.”)

There are two different interpretations of Jesus’ exclamation in 23a.

Note that it is helpful for seeing the cohesion that is found in the Greek if we use the same word— ‘believe’ to translate the four different forms of ‘pistew’ found in this passage. Both Jesus (v19) and the father use the word ‘unbelief’. Translating ‘faith’ in some places and believe in others makes it appear that the two mean different things. In the Bible, ‘faith’ is simply the noun form of ‘believe’.


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Monday, January 11, 2016

DBRP_012 GEN.22 GEN.23 JOB.12 MRK.8.1-21

Preparing to read GENESIS 22-23:

In yesterday's reading in Genesis, Abraham deceived Abimelech, Isaak was born, and Sarah demanded that Hagar and her son be sent away— which grieved Abraham. (But remember that story, because Paul uses it as a spiritual metaphor in Galatians 4.) Finally Abimelech visited Abraham, and the two made several formally ratified promises.

Let’s turn to JOB 12:

Yesterday, Zophar said to Job,
1-2 Will no one answer all this nonsense?
Does talking so much put you in the right?
3 Job, do you think we can't answer you?
That your mocking words will leave us speechless?
4 You claim that what you say is true;
you claim you are pure in the sight of God.
5 How I wish God would answer you!
6 He would tell you there are many sides to wisdom;
there are things too deep for human knowledge.
God is punishing you less than you deserve.

Having accused Job of sin in that way, Zophar then goes on to give this lovely advice:
13 Put your heart right, Job. Reach out to God.
14 Put away evil and wrong from your home.
15 Then face the world again, firm and courageous.
16 Then all your troubles will fade from your memory,

Turning now to MARK 8:

In Mark 7 yesterday, Jesus gave this very significant teaching:
15 There is nothing that goes into you from the outside which can make you ritually unclean. Rather, it is what comes out of you that makes you unclean.”

And we heard the way that Jesus gave a difficult test to the Gentile woman. Don’t just assume that Jesus was unfeeling to that woman. There is treasure there to dig for in that enigmatic test!

Translation note:
His disciples asked him, “Where in this [desolate place//desert] can anyone find enough food to feed all these people?”
17 Jesus knew what they were saying, so he [said to //asked] them,

[The reason I suggest this change is because we usually don’t use the word ‘ask’ if the questions are rhetorical in nature. This is a whole series of rebuking rhetorical questions.]


Check out this episode!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

DBRP_011 GEN.20 GEN.21 JOB.11 MRK.7

Preparing to read GENESIS 20-21:

In chapter 19 of Genesis we heard what happened to Lot and his daughters after being saved from Sodom. The sons of Lot’s daughters became the ancestors of the Moabite and Ammonite races who were always at war with God’s people.

Translation notes:
2 he [told people//said] that his wife Sarah was his sister. So King Abimelech of Gerar had Sarah brought to him.

We turn to JOB 11:

In chapter 10, Job accused God,
13 But now I know that all that time [since birth]
you were secretly planning to harm me.
14 You were watching to see if I would sin,
so that you could refuse to forgive me.
15 As soon as I sin, I'm in trouble with you,
but when I do right, I get no credit.
I am miserable and covered with shame.

Let’s turn to MARK 7:

Yesterday's reading in Mark 6 was of Jesus feeding 5,000+ and walking on water.

I would like to challenge each of my listeners to dig deeper to find a spiritual gem behind Jesus’ seemingly harsh and impolite first answer to the Syro-Phoenician woman. I encourage you to ask what right anyone (and especially any Gentile) would have to come to Jesus and ask for a miracle. With that question in mind, I encourage you to read all of Ephesians chapter 2.

Translation note:
8 “You put aside God's command and [instead] obey human teachings.”
6 Jesus answered them, “How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you[— you hypocrites!//! You are hypocrites,] [It’s] just as he wrote:
11 But you teach that if people have something they could use to help their father or mother, but say, ‘This is Corban’ (which means, it [already has been promised as an offering] belongs to God),
18 “You are no [smarter//more intelligent] than the others,”
33 [So Jesus took him off alone, away from the crowd. First he put his fingers in the man's ears. Then, spitting on his own fingers, he touched the man's tongue. //So Jesus took him off alone, away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man's ears, spat, and touched the man's tongue.]


Please help to improve this reading plan! If you join our online community, you can quickly post a suggestion when you spot a mistake in the the devotional content included in this plan. See the Sharing Together page of the website for how to join us.

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Saturday, January 9, 2016

DBRP_010 GEN.19 JOB.10 MRK.6.30-56

Let’s turn to GENESIS 19:

In yesterday's reading, Abram and Sarai received new names and God confirmed and expanded his covenant with Abram (now Abraham). Circumcision was added as a sign of following the covenant. Angels visited Abraham and Sarah and Abraham bargained with God about saving the few righteous people in Sodom— among whom I am sure Abraham was thinking of Lot.

Preparing to read JOB 10:

Job continues his response to Bildad. At the end of chapter 9 Job showed mankind's need of a mediator:
32 “God is not a mortal like me,
so I cannot argue with him or take him to trial.
33 If only there were a mediator between us,
someone who could bring us together.
34 The mediator could make God stop beating me,
and I would no longer live in terror of his punishment.
35 Then I could speak to him without fear,
but I cannot do that in my own strength.

Mankind has now received that mediator in the person of Jesus.

Let’s turn for the second time to MARK 6:

In the first part of chapter 6, Jesus sent out the twelve disciples after giving them authority to cast out evil spirits. He also sent them to teach, and to heal. Then we learned about the death of John the Baptist.


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Friday, January 8, 2016

DBRP_009 GEN.17 GEN.18 JOB.9 MRK.6.1-29

Turning to GENESIS 17-18:

In chapter 15 we heard of God's covenant with Abram and Abram's _fully believing_ God's promises. Then in chapter 16 we read of Abram and Sarai trying to help God fulfill his promises.

Chaper 15 verse 6 is a famous verse that is quoted three times in the NT:
6 Abram put his trust in the Lord, and because of this the Lord was pleased with him and accepted him. (GNT)

The NT translates this verse a bit differently because it is quoted from the Septuagint (the LXX, the ancient translation of the Old Testament into Koine Greek, made in the third and second centuries BC).

Translation notes:
8:12 So Sarah laughed to herself and said, “Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy [having a child//sex]? And besides, my husband is old too.”
25Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. [That wouldn’t be right!//That's impossible!] You can't do that. If you did [that], the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That [wouldn’t be right//is impossible]. The judge of all the earth has to act justly.”

Preparing to read JOB 9:

In chapter 8, Bildad defended God as always acting with justice and insisted that this meant that there had to be some sin on Job's part or his children's.

Translation note:
27-28If I smile and try to forget my pain,
all my suffering comes back to haunt me;
I know that God [holds//does hold] me guilty.

Turning to MARK 6:

In the second half of Mark 5, Jesus did two amazing miracles— the second one causing a dead girl to live again.

Translation note:
He was greatly surprised, because the people did not [believe in him//have faith].
14 Now King Herod heard about all this, because Jesus' reputation had spread everywhere. Some people were saying, “John the Baptist has come back to life! That is why [Jesus//he] has this power to perform miracles.”
15Others, however, said, “He is Elijah[ (come back from heaven)].”
Others said, “He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago.”
16When Herod heard it, he said, “[He’s gotta be//He is] John the Baptist! I had his head cut off, but he has come back to life!”

17Herod himself had ordered John's arrest, and he had him tied up and put in prison. Herod did this because of [Herodiana//Herodias], whom he had married, even though she was the wife of his brother Philip.
19So [Herodiana//Herodias] held a grudge against John and wanted to kill him, but she could not because of Herod.

In our translations in Indonesia, it was found to help understanding to give Herodias a more feminine sounding name. In Indonesian Herod is Herodes, and Herodias was too close in sound and the two names became  confused. Even though English does not have that problem, I think it will helps a little to give her a name that people will recognize as a girl-name.


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Hi everyone! Greetings to you on the 9th day of 2016.

Welcome to all of you who have started following the DBRP since January 1. This is the third full year of the DBRP, and the first year for using the GNT in the podcasts. There are several versions of the GNT in YouVersion, and some are more nicely formatted than others. If you are following along, I am using the version labeled GNTD, which is marked as the ‘US version’.

I am so pleased that a number of you have already joined and contributed to our Facebook group! Several members have shared little glimpses of how God’s Word is making a difference for them. Thanks for several people who have left a word of thanks after finishing one whole year of listening to the DBRP. Several posts have shared the verse-pictures that are made in the YouVersion reading app. Those pictures always catch my attention and encourage me. They represent little clues as to how God is working through His Word. (See the episode notes for pointers on how to easily make and post verse-pictures to our Facebook group.) Being a member of the Digging Deeper Facebook group will give you an opportunity to be encouraged, and to pray for and encourage others. The group also provides a good way for me to share things I will not share in the podcasts— such as statistics about the DBRP, prayer requests for our family, and news about our Bible translation ministry in Indonesia.

I am looking for 2-3 people who will manage and moderate the Facebook group. This wouldn’t take much time. We just need someone who can take a look at the group daily. Secondly, I would like a list of any group members who are spiritually mature and who would be willing to correspond with anyone who sends in questions of a personal nature. If you are willing to help in either of the two ways just mentioned, please send a private message to me in Facebook. See the episode notes for the link to me on Facebook. (My page is

One of the faithful listeners from 2015 wrote to me just the other day, saying that she suddenly felt the Holy Spirit’s nudging her to pray for me. She warned me to be vigilant against spiritual attack. So I want to share something I have never said in a news podcast before: Yes, please include me in your prayers from time to time! Please pray for Gale (who has chronic health concerns) and also for me for both physical and spiritual health. I send out prayer updates by e-mail about every 2 months. If you would like to receive these updates, there is a link for joining our list at and the Our Story page.

Our middle child, Rachel, will be home from East Africa in March for a short home assignment. And her younger sister, Hannah, with her family are back from their time of service in Pakistan. Hannah is due to give birth to her third child at the end of March. Lord willing, my first trip to Indonesia will start in April. Here are some prayer requests for our work in Indonesia:

  • Please pray that God would lead Indonesian Christians to become our partners in distributing the Plain Indonesian New Testament in rural areas where there are no bookstores.
  • Please pray for our 4-member team working on translating the Old Testament into Plain Indonesian. Please pray for others who may join this team soon.
  • Please pray that Indonesians would catch the vision for increasing the understanding of God’s Word in Indonesia— especially among the hundreds of ethnic groups, so that they pray for, partner with, and support the OurLanguage Bible Organization. (Indonesian web site:

God’s Word is the TRUTH, and His truth is a transforming power. I am so glad that the Lord led you to find the Digging Deeper Daily podcasts. To Him be the glory for what happens among us this year!


How-to information:

There are some cool features in the YouVersion Bible reading app that I have only just begun to use. If you click on a verse, you have six very useful options— including highlighting verses and writing comments. I particularly like the third option, the one for making a verse-picture. The pictures are easy to make and provide an eye-catching way to share meaningfully with your friends on social media. The backgrounds provided within the app are quite nice, and now you can also upload background images from your own device’s picture gallery. Then you set the size, color, and location of the verse text. The results are often so artistic that your friends will re-share your creations.

Please share your YouVersion verse-pictures with the Daily Bible Reading Podcast community at this address:

First, visit that link and click the “Join group” button on the right side of the title picture! (It may take a day or two before I get around to approving you as a member.) Then when you mark a verse or make a verse-picture, after you share it in your normal fashion, please click the share button again. Choose Facebook. Note that the default choice on the top line will be to share “On your own timeline.” Click the little triangular button next to the words “On your own Timeline,” and pick to share “To a group.” If you have already joined the DBRPdiggingdeeper group, you will be able to choose it there. It’s quick and easy to share!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

DBRP_008 GEN.15 GEN.16 JOB.8 MRK.5.21-43

Preparing to read GENESIS 15-16:

Yesterday we heard the stories of Abram and Lot separating company, and of Abram rescuing Lot in time of war. Then we heard of the mysterious priest Melchizedek (who we will read about in the NT in Hebrews).

Translation note:
Initially I was not happy with the GNT translation for 15:6, so I looked up the Hebrew and other resources. GNT has translated well. It is best to translate the Old Testament as it would have been understood by readers in Moses’ day— without letting the New Testament color the translation too heavily. See the notes in the NET.
15:6 Abram put his trust in the Lord, and because of this the Lord was pleased with him and _accepted him_.
16:6 Abram answered, “[Well,//Very well,] she is your slave and under your control; [you can] do whatever you want with her.” Then Sarai treated Hagar so cruelly that she ran away.

Let’s turn to JOB 8:

In the preceding two chapters, Job said some very despairing and angry words, telling God basically to go take a walk and leave him alone. Job again wished for his own death.

He said to God,
19 Won't you look away long enough
for me to swallow my spit?
20 Are you harmed by my sin, you jailer?
Why use me for your target practice?
Am I so great a burden to you?
21 Can't you ever forgive my sin?
Can't you pardon the wrong I do?

Translation note:
GNT moves v1 to the heading: More literally:
Then Bildad the Shuhite replied to Job.

Let’s turn for the second time to MARK 5:

In the first part of Mark 5, Jesus cast a host of demons out of a man named Mob.

Translation note:
34 Jesus said to her, “[Dear one,//My daughter,] [you are healed because you believed fully in me.//your faith has made you well.] Go in peace, and be healed of your trouble.”

The Greek does say, ‘Daughter’. Like where Jesus calls Mary, his mother, ‘Woman’, this is very hard to translate. In the case of Jesus calling his mother ‘Woman’, that would be regarded as very impolite in English, and He was not being impolite in Greek or Aramaic. In the case of the woman healed in Mark 5, calling her ‘Daughter’ can imply that she was younger than Jesus— which is probably wrong. In using ‘Dear one’ as I have done here, I hope that it does not imply that she was too much on a friendly basis with Jesus.

35 While Jesus was saying this, some messengers came from Jairus' house and told him, “Your daughter has died. [There’s no use in bothering the teacher any longer.//Why bother the Teacher any longer?]”


The Daily Bible Reading Podcast site has two other kinds of podcasts in addition to the Bible recordings. There are community news updates, and there is a series of parables and and children stories called JoySightings. The updates are released with similar file names as the podcasts, but with a few more words, such as
DBRP_051News from Jakarta.
You can find them by looking at a chronological list of podcasts.

There is a separate page for JoySightings table of contents at


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

DBRP_007 GEN.13 GEN.14 JOB.7 MRK.5.1-20

At the bottom of the notes for this podcast, I have included information about features of the YouVersion Bible reading app. Take a look if you are new to using that app, as I will not read that text in this podcast.

Preparing to read GENESIS 13-14:

In yesterday's reading we heard about God scattering people by confusing their languages. It’s important to remember that the city they were building is called Babylon. Then we traced the ancestry of Abram, who descended from Seth's line. Then we read about the call of Abram and what happened when they were staying in Egypt because of a famine. Abram doesn’t sound like a model husband.

Let’s turn to JOB 7:

Today we hear the second chapter of Job’s response to Eliphaz. In chapter 6 Job said,
10 If I knew he [God] would [kill me], I would leap for joy,
no matter how great my pain.
I know that God is holy;
I have never opposed what he commands.

And he also complained:
14 In trouble like this I need loyal friends—
whether I've forsaken God or not.
15 But you, my friends, you deceive me like streams
that go dry when no rain comes.

And his three friends are only warming up to what they will say. In desperation Job says,
24 All right, teach me; tell me my faults.
I will be quiet and listen to you.
25 Honest words are convincing,
but you are talking nonsense.

Translation notes:
12 Why [, O God,] do you keep me under guard?
Do you think I am a sea monster?
17 Why are people so important to you[, O God]?
Why pay attention to what they do?

Turning now to MARK 5:

We completed the one and only ‘parable chapter’ of Mark yesterday. Following the parable of the mustard seed, the disciples and Jesus took off to the other side of the lake. Jesus slept soundly in the boat while a storm was raging on the lake, and then he calmed the storm.

Translation note:
17 [The people/So they] asked Jesus to leave their territory.
20 So the man left and went all through the Ten Towns [region], telling what Jesus had done for him. And all who heard it were amazed.


If you click on a verse in this Bible app, you have six very useful options— including highlighting verses and writing comments. Have you tried making a verse-picture yet? The pictures are easy to make and provide an eye-catching way to share meaningfully with your friends on social media. The backgrounds provided within the app are quite nice, and now you can also upload background images from your own device’s picture gallery. Then you set the size, color, and location of the verse text. The results are often so artistic that your friends will re-share your creations.

Please share your YouVersion verse-pictures with the Daily Bible Reading Podcast community! See how to join the community on the Sharing Together page at


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

DBRP_006 GEN.11 GEN.12 JOB.6 MRK.4.21-41

Preparing to read GENESIS 11-12:

Yesterday in Genesis 9-10, we heard the story of Noah's drunkenness and his curse on Canaan because of it (which wasn't very fair since it was his father Ham who actually caused the offense to Noah, and because Ham also had other sons). Then we heard about Noah's descendants.

Translation notes:

18 Then the king sent for Abram and [complained to him//asked him], “What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me that she [is/was] your wife? 19 Why did you say that she [is/was] your sister, and let me take her as my wife? Here is your wife; take her and get out!”

Let’s turn to JOB 6:

Eliphaz continues to imply that Job has sinned:
6 Evil does not grow in the soil,
nor does trouble grow out of the ground.
7 No indeed! We bring trouble on ourselves,
as surely as sparks fly up from a fire.

Eliphaz’ main point in that chapter was that Job would be forgiven and blessed if he repented:
17 Happy is the person whom God corrects!
Do not resent it when he rebukes you.
18 God bandages the wounds he makes;
his hand hurts you, and his hand heals.

There is truth in what Eliphaz says, and a similar statement to verse 17 is found in James 1.

Translation note:

26 [If you//You] think I am talking nothing but wind;
then why do you answer my words of despair?

We turn for the second time to MARK 4:

Chapter 4 is the parable chapter of Mark. The Parable about the Different Kinds of Soil is in all three synoptic Gospels— which are Matthew, Mark, and Luke. That parable holds deep meaning that one never really grows out of. Each time you hear it, new facets come to light, and every believer should meditate on what kind of soil they are most like at the present time.

Translation notes:

Rhetorical questions were often used by Jesus to start a new topic in his teaching, and at the end of the chapter, he used two rhetorical questions to give a mild rebuke to the disciples. In many of the world’s languages, people don’t use rhetorical questions for starting a new topic, but most languages seem to use questions for rebuking. In English, I think it is more natural not to use the verb ‘ask’ in the quote margin if the question is a rhetorical one.

30 [Jesus began another teaching, “What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like?” _asked_ Jesus.//“What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like?” asked Jesus.] “What parable shall we use to explain it?

40 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Why are you frightened? [It’s obvious that you still don’t believe in Me.//Do you still have no faith?]”

Note that in the podcast recordings, I will often change the word ‘faith’ to ‘believe’ or ‘fully believe’. This is because the English word ‘faith’ is used with all kinds of fuzzy meanings these days and can easily be misunderstood. 1) In Greek, ‘faith’ and ‘believe’ are the noun and verb forms of the same root word. 2) When one uses an abstract noun like ‘faith’ in English, we lose the object— in this case the Person who is being believed. Note that ‘faith’ does not have the a vague meaning like ‘endurance’ or ‘ability to live without fear’— which might be assumed in this passage. Such fuzzy meanings almost always end up placing ‘faith’ in ourselves— which is a big mistake. The ‘faith’ that Jesus is talking about at the end of this chapter is placing our trust 100% in Him!


To learn about the people who created this reading plan, see the Our Story page at  

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